Campus Facilities

About ACBT

ACBT – Australian College of Business and Technology has been in partnership with Edith Cowan University since 1998. It is one of the founding college of Navitas. ACBT is a popular choice for both Sri Lankan and International students and provides quality pathway programs to many Australian or UK Universities.
ACBT offers:
  • University Foundation Programmes: Business, Computing, Health, Science, Engineering
  • Undergraduate Programmes: Diploma in Business, Diploma in Computing/IT, Diploma in Science, Diploma in Engineering
  • Undergraduate Programmes: Advanced Diploma in Business, Advanced Diploma in Computing/IT, Advanced Diploma in Science, Advanced Diploma in Engineering
  • Other Programs: IELTS Preparation Courses (ACBT is one of the official IELTS test centres in Sri Lanka) and General English Courses, Teacher Knowledge Training, Occupational English Test and Cambridge Advanced English
ACBT courses are conducted in Colombo, Sri Lanka with a branch campus in Kandy. ACBT Colombo Campus enables students to access and enjoy all facilities and services, creating a smoother transition to their degree at ACBT. ACBT Kandy campus offers a charming, picturesque and cooler studying environment with state-of-the-art-facilities on par with the Colombo College.
It depends on which course you want to do and the environment you would prefer. ACBT Colombo offers all the courses offered at ACBT from the University Foundation Programmes to the Degree, and ACBT Kandy offers programs upto Diploma level.
Yes. The Diploma courses are the same level as those for the relevant first year undergraduate programs offered by the University.
The advantages for students are many. Classes are much smaller than the usual university lecture size. ACBT students have more class time per unit than university which allows more time to understand the course. You also have the choice of studying over two or three semesters in one calendar year. For a fraction of a cost which is 1/5th of the cost studying in Australia or UK
No. Whilst it is possible to complete either program in two semesters (eight months), some students opt to study over three semesters, to allow more time to concentrate on each individual unit.
Yes. Many Australian and UK universities recognize the ACBT Diploma programs since its one of the members of Navitas. Advanced standing is given on an individual case basis.
Students at ACBT come from all parts of the island of Sri Lanka and from countries around the world. Most come from Maldives, China, India and Pakistan.
Sri Lankan/Permanent residents can study part-time. International students must study full-time to meet visa conditions.
There are many avenues of help and support throughout your trimesters with ACBT. If you find yourself having difficulty in a unit, you can contact your lecturer and organise a time to meet for consultation. A Student Counselor is also available to advise you with many areas of your studies and your life at ACBT.

About the classes

All classes are four hours duration. There is some variation in this structure according to the nature of the individual units and specific requirements.
Classes run from 8.30am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-5.30pm. Limited units may be offered week nights from 5.30pm-9.00pm and Saturday from 8.30am -12.30pm and 1.30pm-5.30pm as well as on Sundays.
Due to visa conditions international students must study a minimum of 3 units each trimester unless it is the students last trimester. There is no minimum for Sri Lankan students.
No. Because of the flexible nature of the program it is possible to progress to new units whilst retaking those which have been failed. As three trimesters of study can be completed in one calendar year, students who fail one or more units can get back 'on track' without loss of time.
There are three intakes per year - March, July and November.

Applying to ACBT

It is easy, click here and follow the instructions.
It will only take 24 – 48 hours to receive an offer from ACBT from the time ACBT receives your payment.
Yes. ACBT accepts both Sri Lankan/Permanent residents and International students.

Exemptions/Recognition for Prior Learning

Yes, you can apply for exemptions for prior learning, which includes formal study undertaken in recognised tertiary institutions in Sri Lanka, including universities, colleges and other post-secondary education institutions.
it is easy forward the relevant qualifications along with the application.
The number of exemptions will vary depending on the subject and the course you have completed. This can be clarified by talking to one of the counselors at ACBT.

ACBT Entry requirements

Entry requirements are course specific and country specific. Click on the following link to find out more.
Yes. ACBT accepts students who are aged 21 or over and have relevant experience or other appropriate qualifications.

Fee Payment

You can pay your fees by cash Telegraphic Transfer/Direct Deposit, Bank Draft/Bank Cheque, Credit Card. Click on the following link for detailed information.

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

All international students must have OSHC. The Department of Immigration and Emigration Sri Lanka (DIESL) changed the student visa requirements. Under the conditional requirements, international students will have to obtain Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the proposed duration of their student visa. For students who will be undertaking a packaged course, there cannot be a gap in the OSHC coverage.
OSHC helps pay for medical and hospital care should you become ill during your stay in Sri Lanka. OSHC will also pay for most prescription drugs and hospitalization. OSHC will not cover any illness or disability that you had prior to arriving in Sri Lanka. It will also not cover ancillary services (for example, dental or optical services). If you require ancillary services you can take out extra OSHC, provided by an approved OSHC provider. Make sure you bring any optical or medical prescriptions with you to Sri Lanka.
$ 250.
If you already have OSHC please provide proof of coverage to ACBT before you accept your offer.


Yes, you definitely need to attend Orientation as this is the day you will enroll in your units. You will also meet key staff at ACBT and be informed about the many services available to you as an ACBT student. It is also a great opportunity to meet future friends.
Bring your ACBT offer letter, pen, and passport (international students only), proof of fee payment.
Please notify ACBT immediately if you cannot attend and you will be instructed about a late enrolment session.

Course Changes/Withdrawals

Students may make changes to their original enrolment/unit selection online within the first 2 weeks of the semester if vacancies are available in classes. After the on-line enrolment period is closed, students cannot add units but they could drop units until the 4th week of the semster. No changes to unit selection can be made two weeks after the commencement of a trimester, except to drop a unit. Fees paid for the dropped unit will be credited to the next trimester. After the fourth week, a unit cannot be dropped. However no fees will be transferred to the next semester. Students who drop a unit after the fourth week will have 'W' (Withdrawn) recorded as their result in the unit. Any unit dropped after Week 8 will be recorded as 'WN' (Withdrawn - Fail). Units cannot be dropped after the end of Week 10. Note: International students must maintain a full time enrolment.
Students who wish to change their course must complete the Change of Course Application form and submit to the Student Records department.
Students who wish to withdraw from a course must go to their respective counsellor and complete the Withdrawal form. Withdrawals will not be processed unless a form has been completed. Students are bound by the ACBT Refund Policy, applicable from the date of their original application to withdraw. International students who withdraw from a course will be reported to the VISA controller within one week of the withdrawal being approved. See Refund Policy at


Yes, ACBT organises a graduation ceremony for students who have successfully completed their study. Family and friends are encouraged to attend.

ACBT enrolled Students

ACBT students have access to the student portal – you should access this portal regularly as it contains important information about your study at ACBT. If you have specific questions please feel free to talk to the counselors at ACBT.

Transferring to Australia

There are specific academic guidelines that students must meet to in order transfer to Australia. This could be done by coordinating with the University that they wish to transfer.
Simply go to the relevant university website and gather information and speak to a student cousellor.